Friday, January 31, 2025

Week 1 Post 2: Genre Research

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

I will explore 2 different genres I would like to implement in my project

Since the project was announced i've been pretty set on doing a teen comedy, set in the 90s or early 2000's (haven't decided yet) I'd like to challenge myself with making an accurate representation of the culture, which is something i haven't done yet. I think that pushing myself out of my comfort zone will prove to be beneficial to my final product. I want this project to represent a large stepping stone in my filmmaking career. This will be my second film that I take a leading role in producing, my first being my entry to stn horrorfest 2024 "Do Not Reply" see below 


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is the 2011 film adaptation of the book of the same title, by Jeff Kinney. The plot revolves around the 2 brothers seen below being forced by their parents to get along, and throughout the film they bond over the whimsical predicaments they find themselves in. I enjoy the lighthearted tone of this film and seek to implement this in my project, while still establishing the high stakes that would proceed the opening.

1985's Better Off Dead, starring John Cusack. The film is kinda all over the place, but to put it simply is about the main character Lane getting over being dumped by his girlfriend and regaining his social status after failing to make his school's ski team, while falling in love with the neighbor's french foreign exchange student. My favorite parts of the film are the multiple gags that ignore reality for the sake of being really funny, establishing that the events of the film aren't to be taken seriously. I wouldn't be able to utilize this technique in this specific project, but a pattern I noticed was that most physical gags show up at least twice, making them all the more memorable. A lot of the side characters are goofy representations of high school cliques, ex: the neanderthal-like basketball team, stereotypical weird kid, the jock, etc.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Week 1 Post 1: Cambridge Portfolio Project Transition

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

This blog will be shifting to focusing on the production of my awesome portfolio project, going over most of my thought process and production. I don't have anything down on paper yet but I've got a good plan in my head

I want my project to feel like an early 2000's teen comedy (like diary of a wimpy kid) with the physical comedy of a movie like "Better Off Dead" on my second viewing of the movie I noticed that most physical gags will show up at least twice throughout the movie and I want to emulate that in my project.

 I will be focusing on building the main character and establishing the plot of the film going forward. My vison for the project is the main character covering up a party that he had at his house while his family was away. The only characters I wanna include so far are the main character (duh) and the younger sister. 

Week 7 Post 3: Questions 3 and 4 Update

 Cambridge Portfolio Project CCR #2 Epic Update -So I made some tweaks to the initial script so u can see the super duper awesome epic legen...