Friday, February 7, 2025

Week 2 Post 1: Schedule

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Project Schedule

WEEK 1: Brainstorming and writing. Most of this week was focused on SkillsUSA

WEEK 2: Finishing the script and starting to storyboard then costuming and set dressing

WEEK 3: Prepping for shooting, getting equipment, actors, crew, etc.


WEEK 5: Reviewing footage and editing + reshoots if necessary

WEEK 6: Writing the CCR and making any revisions if necessary 

WEEK 7: Finish CCR and make final tweaks

I will try to be ahead of schedule to prepare for if I make it to states in SkillsUSA, so that I can enjoy the potential trip stress free. (at least as stress free as I can get) I already have people in mind to help me during production, but nothing is set in stone so far.

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