Friday, February 14, 2025

Week 3 Post 3: Media Theory

Cambridge Portfolio Project

Todorov's Theory of Equilibrium


To put it bluntly, Todorov's theory is how every narrative has distinctive parts, The big 3 being Equilibrium, the audiences introduction to the characters and story, Disequilibrium, the protagonist's life being disrupted and them working to fix it. And New Equilibrium is the resolve or compromise of the disruption.

For my project, the equilibrium will be all that is seen, with my opening serving as a character introduction, using music, visuals, and camera movement to express the main character's personality. If it would fit in the 2 minute time frame, I would like to include a glimpse at the disruption, introducing the main conflict of the film in a humorous way, helping establish the tone of the film.

also sorry about no multimedia pictures weren’t working

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