Friday, February 28, 2025

Week 5 Post 2: Day 1 Shooting Reflection

Cambridge Portfolio Project

Day 1 Reflection

-My main takeaway from today that you should always have everything planned out. Today was mostly a practice shoot, since my actor had something rescheduled to the day of filming, so we couldn't get the blue sky shots I needed. But despite this it was a valuable learning experience. Coming into this I didn't have a solidified shot list, so I sorta just played around with things, seeing what worked. But I did get one shot I really liked, which is definitely going in the final cut. One plus is that when I go back to film on Sunday, the set is already set up, which saves time, not having to set it up all over again. Then I also can just ride my bike there, cuz before I had to hitch a ride with all the stuff in a big box. and yea thats kind of it
also check out this sick highlight


Week 7 Post 3: Questions 3 and 4 Update

 Cambridge Portfolio Project CCR #2 Epic Update -So I made some tweaks to the initial script so u can see the super duper awesome epic legen...