Friday, March 7, 2025

Week 6 Post 2: Post-Production

 Cambridge Portfolio Project

Post Production

broly is super cool :)
-So far I've gotten a rough assembly of the clips, with some tweaking necessary. One major thing I've accomplished has been color grading the shots. I had to do some basic correction to shots filmed on the first day, since day 1 shots were shot later into the day than day 2 shots. I also took the interior shots and tweaked with shadows and highlights, making shadows teal and highlights orange. With this in affect it creates a much more professional looking project. And for the exterior shots, I've been playing with temp and saturation to give off the warm summer vibes I wanna put across. And the final thing I've done is made a rough list of sounds I need, and whether I can get them online or make them myself.

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